Pick Up Lines!

Monday, 15 December 2008

Cant help but get amused with whats been said by some to get connected:

1) Whats a beautiful looking lady like u doing in a dirty mind of mine...

2) Not going home yet? (belum balik??)

3) Hey u look familiar, whats ur name?

4) Hey do u know where the place is? (also applies to time, person, etc)

5) Can i sit here? Is this space empty?

6) Do u come here often?

7) Speaking of the devil, or should i say "angel"?

8) What song is that?

9) What is your fav colour? Mine too...

10) Hi... Im ____ Can i Have ur number? (Direct yo)

*Sade-By your side
May a thorn sit among the roses?


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